

Evangelism and Outreach

The Evangelism and Outreach Department of the Redeemed Christian Church of God Living Water Assembly for All Nations is a dynamic and transformative ministry that passionately spreads the gospel and extends Christ’s love to the wider community. The good aspect of this department lies in its fervent commitment to fulfilling the Great Commission, reaching out to the lost, and making disciples of all nations. Through various evangelistic efforts, community outreach programs, and missions, the Evangelism and Outreach Department impacts lives and brings about spiritual transformation. The department’s dedication to sharing the message of salvation and offering practical support to those in need has led to numerous testimonies of lives being touched and souls being saved.Being part of the Evangelism and Outreach Department brings immense joy and fulfillment to its members. Evangelists and outreach workers experience the joy of being instruments of God’s love and grace, witnessing the power of the gospel in changing lives and bringing hope to the hopeless. The sense of purpose and fulfillment in this department comes from knowing that they are contributing to building God’s kingdom and making a positive impact in the lives of individuals and communities. The joy of seeing people turn to Christ and experience His love fuels their passion and dedication to continue spreading the gospel with zeal.


The mission of the Evangelism and Outreach Department in the church is to proclaim the gospel of Jesus Christ, not only within the church community but also beyond its walls. The department seeks to embody Christ’s love in action by engaging in various acts of kindness and practical support for the needy and marginalized. By organizing evangelistic events, crusades, and outreach initiatives, the department aims to reach out to the lost, share the message of salvation, and bring hope to those in despair. Additionally, the Evangelism and Outreach Department strives to equip and mobilize the church community to be effective witnesses for Christ in their daily lives, encouraging believers to share their faith and live out the gospel in their spheres of influence. The ultimate mission is to make disciples of all nations, nurturing new believers in their faith journey and empowering them to become disciples who, in turn, reach others with the love and truth of Christ. The Evangelism and Outreach Department embodies the heart of God for the lost and broken, leading the church in its mission to be a shining light and a beacon of hope in a world that desperately needs the transformative power of Jesus Christ.