

Ushering and Housekeeping


The Usher’s Department of the Redeemed Christian Church of God Living Water Assembly for All Nations is a pivotal and essential ministry that creates a welcoming and orderly atmosphere within the church. The good aspect of this department lies in its commitment to providing warm hospitality, assistance, and guidance to worshippers, ensuring that everyone feels comfortable and engaged during church services and events. The impact of the Usher’s Department is profound as it plays a significant role in setting the tone for worship, fostering an environment of reverence and inclusivity. Ushers diligently attend to the needs of congregants, helping them find seating, distributing bulletins or materials, and addressing any concerns that may arise, thus enhancing the overall worship experience.Being part of the Usher’s Department brings immense joy and fulfillment to its members. Ushers serve as the friendly faces of the church, and the joy of helping others and facilitating a smooth worship experience is deeply rewarding. The camaraderie and teamwork among ushers create a sense of unity and purpose, as they collaborate to ensure that the logistics of each service run seamlessly. Ushers experience the joy of being part of a ministry that directly impacts the spiritual journey of others, as they witness worshippers engage with God and leave with a sense of spiritual upliftment.


The mission of the Usher’s Department in the church is to serve with love, humility, and excellence. Ushers understand that their role goes beyond logistics; they are ministers of hospitality and facilitators of worship. Their mission is to create an atmosphere conducive to encountering God, where individuals can focus on their spiritual connection without distractions. Ushers also play a crucial role in ensuring the safety and security of worshippers, offering assistance during emergencies and maintaining order during services. Through their servant hearts and attentive care, ushers exemplify Christ’s love to all who enter the church, making every individual feel valued and respected. Their mission is to be the first point of contact for visitors and members alike, embodying the church’s values of hospitality, warmth, and inclusivity. Overall, the Usher’s Department serves as a vital bridge between the congregation and God, embodying the essence of servanthood and facilitating a worshipful environment that allows worshippers to encounter the presence of God in a meaningful way